“Why did I decide to do this? Pourquoi?”

Updated, April 2024...

The Tiny Teacher is currently planning SUMMER CAMP programming for 2024. 

Check back for further details! ♥

Updated, January 2022... 

Unfortunately, my mother, Karen, lost her battle to cancer on April 7, 2021. 

The Tiny Teacher continues to provide support to families during this very difficult time in education. 

New Issues...

- children can't attend school with symptoms - where can they go? who will teach them?
- 10-14 days away from school - how can parents take the time off in order to take care of them?

My original "WHY."

Many of you are asking, “Why are you doing this, Mme?” 

I am a teacher. 

I am a mom. 

I am a daughter and sister. 

My mom is sick. Really sick. 

I have no idea what I am going to do IF something happens with school... with anything right now.

I am in the same spot many of you are. 

Where do they go if schools close and I have to work?! 

Who will teach them if I decide to keep them home and I am already going crazy after the first month?! 

What if my child has asthma? Or allergies? A sniffle? 

“My kid is in French Immersion!” 

“I have KIDS. More than one!”

What if my child is special needs and isn’t guaranteed an EA? 

What if....?!

You all have asked these questions and thought these things... 

I had to do this. 

For my son. For my mom. For my family. For me. 

I did NOT do well during the months of March - June. My body suffered mentally, emotionally and physically. I can’t do that to my family or ME again. Not until everything is sorted. And maybe then I don’t even know what’s next??! 

All that I know is that I want to help. I want to help YOU. 

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